Feelings First is a sensory path to self exploration, consciousness & health, fully geared to profoundly affect all aspects of life. This website is not about blindly following your feelings, but about fully acknowledging their power on how you perceive the world.
When people learn about the true power that feelings have over them, the common response is to start seeing them as the enemy, and to start fighting this enemy.
Here on this website we do exactly the opposite, we respect, love, and embrace our feelings. Fighting yourself can never be successful.
Instead of striving to understand a situation from a mental perspective, we just feel/sense how the situation makes us feel, and unwind these feelings.
Acceptance is key, but it’s not about accepting the situation. It’s about accepting how the situation makes you feel.
Logic turns out to be far from absolute in nature, but constructed by the mind to support and confirm how you feel.
The mind, and especially ‘logic’, is just as influenced by emotion as it is able to influence it. That’s why unwinding your feelings clears up your thinking so profoundly
-Unwinding emotions -Changes the perspective -Changes thinking lines -Changes your experience of reality
Learning this trick will radically transform the main stream (rather fixed) concept of reality into a much more fluid one.
The advantage of a more fluid reality is that it contains more potential
Regarding feeling/sensing there is really a lot to learn, because it depends on consciousness, and consciousness is infinite. When you start paying attention to the details, you will find that the act of feeling is an enjoyable and deep subject, spanning many different levels of awareness
When you do Feeling right
..disturbing emotions will quickly unwind into a calm and neutral state ..in a matter of minutes
Your improved emotional state will lead the mind into new patterns
..laying the foundation for a new reality
So stop struggling and start using what holds you away from where you want to be!
Believe me, by working this way you will save a lot of energy!
In Fact: don’t believe me but try it out .. and see for yourself! 🙂
( the tryout is free .. and adds useful tool to your personal backpack. See box at the top right hand side )
There is really no need to figure everything out, realize that thought can only exist embedded within a certain context. Also realize that the mind has the tendency to confirm the current context. These two aspects combined show that thinking beyond your current context quite difficult, so I recommend trying sensing 🙂
The term ‘context’ is closely related to the terms ‘world view’ and ‘belief system’
Series of thoughts string together into a Story, and because difficult stories usually contain a quite lot of emotion the ‘Story’ is also referred to as ‘the Drama’.
The tendency to get hung up on the Story is universal to mankind, as is the quarrel about who’s Story is the ‘right’ Story
It is easy to see that opening up the limitations set by your core belief system will lead to a much freer attitude towards life. You will be much less preoccupied by opinions or expectations regarding what is happening or supposed to happen next, and less preoccupied with which story is the right one. This will lead to a more peaceful life with more space to enjoy the present moment 🙂
Now .. approaching this promised land does take a little time, but it will be weeks or months, rather then years. If you relax & play around with the sensory stuff you can learn here, I can assure you that positive change will be quite inevitable
Why I offer this sensing work
After many years of trying to understand the origins of my problems, I could name & explain many of them, but that didn’t stop them from occurring. I realized that feelings don’t care about logic at all. In 2010 I found this much more organic, pure sensory approach, so I decided to share it with you
Riding your sensations is so much more effortless & natural then ‘thinking it over (and over)’ or ‘figuring it out’ 🙂 I am available when you need some guidance towards excellent results using this sensory work
Incorporating this work into my life has given me a lot:
-Awareness of which issues are mine and which belong to others
-Healing for my old wounds & personal sensitivities, which allows me to tolerate the previously intolerable.
-This work also has great tools for health management by the way, emotions/body/health it’s all FULLY integrated
This is not a spiritual website, this is an awareness website. My awareness is on the level that I realize that having beliefs is inevitable, but I do realize that a belief never equals truth, it is only a belief. If you like a certain belief and it works for you .. sure .. embrace and enjoy it 🙂 If it no longer serves you, simply let it go because there are always other beliefs to adhere
Feelings First has no complex system that needs to be believed & understood before this work can benefit you. You only need to park ‘the search for understanding’ for a moment, and go into sensation in such a way that it leads to release & transformation. You will experience firsthand that transforming feelings frees you up, so there is no need to believe that either
The only thing you may need to believe (for now) is that these transformations do not change the essence of who you are. Instead, you’ll be creating more space for the real you, which includes your experiences but does not include your acquired beliefs or small/bigger traumas
Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: teresaphillips1965 via Compfight cc